Ethics and anti-corruption
Employee health & safety
Numidia wants the best for its employees. The wages and benefits of Numidia employees, as well as contractual working hours, meet all legal standards and industry benchmark standards. Abuse in any form toward employees within Numidia or through its external relationships is not tolerated. We maintain an open structure in which every Numidian is encouraged to address any topic they want relating to mental and physical health. We believe that this benefits both Numidia as a company and the employees themselves.
We believe that the health and safety of Numidia employees is a top priority. To that end, the health & safety team performs audits to ensure that our employees have a safe, hygienic working environment. A preventive medical examination is offered to all employees every three years. We also promote healthy food consumption. Once a week, Numidia prepares a joint lunch for all employees, using fresh, nutritious ingredients. In addition, fresh fruit is delivered several times a week and all available sodas are sugar-free drinks.
We improve our employee workplaces wherever possible, providing the tools they need and focusing on maintaining or improving the social environment between everyone. This is true for office spaces, but it also applies to work-from-home environments.
Forced & child labor
We guarantee that our processes and suppliers are entirely free of any involvement with child labor or any other form of misconduct. The requirements underlying this guarantee are described in Numidia’s Code of Conduct. We maintain a zero tolerance policy for any business relations that do not respect this Code of Conduct. As part of the supplier and customer onboarding process, we perform various checks to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct.
Corruption, bribery & fraud
Numidia does not tolerate any type of corruption, bribery or fraud. This applies to all employees, but also to all of our business relations. We make sure that all employees are fully aware of these topics through various means of communication and mandatory training programs.
We are certified by IFS Agents & Brokers and BRC, both of which require risk assessments related to food fraud and food defense.
All of Numidia’s suppliers, including warehouses, transporters or product suppliers, are required to formally agree to our Code of Conduct before the onboarding process can begin. This means that they are to conduct their businesses in compliance with the applicable anti-corruption laws and anti-bribery laws in each relevant jurisdiction, but also in accordance with the rules for anti-bribery. During the onboarding process of any supplier, we perform a risk assessment which focuses on any fraud risks specific to their type of business. This risk assessment is also subject to a yearly review.
Every new customer is screened by an independent third party. This third party traces the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) and screens for Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and Special Interest Persons (SIP). Persons holding or connected to important political positions will be reviewed by Numidia for possible risks and the suitability of our involvement with them. In the case of a person being on a sanctions list (e.g., international sanction lists), we will not engage with this party in any way.
Numidia Charity Foundation
Numidia cares about more than Numidians. We also care about our environment and underprivileged children. That is why we initiated the Numidia Charity Foundation. Numidia is the source of funding for this foundation. The Numidia Charity Foundation helps children in need all over the world with education, nutrition and financial aid. These projects are proposed by the Numidians themselves and they also play an active role in the projects they propose.
Our contributions are limited to foundations and associations, and the budget for any project is agreed upon in advance. All contributions require official confirmation to show that a budget has been used for its intended purpose.
charity projects in 2022
Fundación Florecer (2022) (Trinidad, Uruguay)
The purpose of the Fundación Florecer is to promote educational freedom by supporting investments and modern forms of administration for public and private schools, especially those in deprived areas. The focus is on incorporating the latest teaching techniques to promote social and cultural development, youth entrepreneurship and local employment. The Numidia Charity Foundation supports the Fundación Florecer with equipment for a virtual classroom so that they can offer virtual classes for those lessons that do not have an assigned teacher.
House of BOEN BIO (Indonesia)
The foundation has supported a project to restore a temple in Indonesia to its former glory. One of its tasks will be to share the teachings of Confucius with people to build an ecosystem for sustainable growth and cross-cultural harmony. This encompasses education, social activities, sports, culture and art.
Care2Communities (Haiti)

One of our Numidians is from Haiti, where it is generally difficult for people to make a decent living. She and her siblings were fortunate enough to receive a solid education that led them to where they are today, but unfortunately the same cannot be said for thousands of families who live below the poverty line, struggling every day to make ends meet. This Numidian’s brother is a medical doctor who was educated partly in Haiti and partly in France. He is currently working in the northern part of Haiti at Care2Communities, managing seven clinics that provide high-quality healthcare services to vulnerable families in remote areas.
According to the UNICEF database, the infant mortality rate in Haiti is the highest in the Latin America region. If we compare it with the infant mortality rate in the Netherlands, Haiti has 60.5 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the Netherlands has 4.2 deaths per 1,000 live births. The Numidia Charity Foundation supported this Haitian organization with an ultrasound machine, supplies and funding for healthcare personnel. We believe that a child who is properly taken care of today could be a future leader of tomorrow for a different Haiti.
Numidia is committed to focusing on ethics when entering into collaborations with other parties. Since 2018, Numidia B.V. has been a member of Sedex, demonstrating its commitment to responsible sourcing. Sedex is a global organization dedicated to driving improvements in responsible business practices in global supply chains.
Sedex is one of the world’s leading organizations when it comes to helping companies manage responsible sourcing. It operates a collaborative online platform that enables members to collect and share ethics data and identify risks in their supply chain. The collaborative approach enables buyers and suppliers to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and to protect people working in their supply chains.
Sedex tools and services are used by more than 50,000 members in more than 150 countries. Sedex works in 35 industry sectors, including food, agriculture, clothing, packaging and chemicals. Sedex also owns SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit), one of the most widely used social audit methodologies in the world. In 2021, the SMETA audit was completed without any non-conformances.
The company reference number of Numidia B.V. is ZC403665132. Numidia has not been involved in any issue or non-conformity related to any of the topics discussed in this chapter.